October 21, 2011

Draco is home safe and sound

At 6.40am today flight AY096 landed to Helsinki-Vantaa airport. Inside the plane was a package that was worth more than it's weight in gold.. Draco (Konnunkodon Draco Malfoy) had journeyed from across the world to be home again.

I sent Draco to Australia 5 years and 10 months ago to my dear friend Leonie Darling (Dlarah kennel). He was 11 months old then. I never stopped missing that very special dog who had super temperament and who was so dear to me. Draco became Leonie's "once in a lifetime dog" and he was a very special bond between me and Leonie. I never forget those calls that I got.. "Draco has won a group!" or "Draco became Grand Champion!" or "Draco passed his herding instinct test!" or "Draco's puppies are born!" or "Draco won Best in Show!". We were both so happy with Draco's achievements down under and shared so many laughs and joys!

Draco had three litters in Australia, which is a good amount for a country with so small gene pool. Leonie was criticized that she didn't let others use Draco. Three litters is enough and I'm extremely thankful that Leonie didn't let Draco to become "Mr Matador". Draco had fantastic puppies - of course there were pet quality puppies too! His descendants are imported in Canada, USA, UK, NZ and Finland - I'm privileged to have one living with me, fantastic Dlarah Beep Beep (Piitu).

I'm extremely thankful for Anne and Joan for letting me have Draco back home and also for Narelle and Ken Hammond (Animal Travel) for arranging Draco's flight back home. Thank you so much.

Even I was incredibly happy to see Draco again it also means I have to finally accept that Leonie is gone. But even I am not able to see her in this life again I'm pretty sure she is watching over us and smiling. Thank you Leonie for everything you did for Draco and me. I miss you more than words can tell.


Dave said...

Congrats on getting him home! It is certainly worth all the hassles with importing a dog.

Halla said...

Thanks Dave! I have promised Draco he doesn't have to fly ever again. Flying to Australia and then back again is certainly enough for one dog's lifetime. :)

Merrilyn said...

I am so pleased for you Halla, but it is also tinged with a great deal of sadness as well. May Draco live happily ever after for you.