June 27, 2011

Visitor from northern Finland

Konnunkodon Galahad (Jedi) stayed with us for almost a week. He lives in northern Finland so we don't meet very often but as always, it was such a joy to spend time with this lovely young dog. He is such a happy and social fellow! :)

Jedi was also health scored a month ago with nice results: hips B/B, elbows 0/1, knees 0/0 and spine was normal. :)

Konnunkodon Galahad 2 years (Grålötens Vandra Vidare - Konnunkodon Elbereth) owner Sanna Vartiainen, Oulu

June 13, 2011

Visitor from down under

We had a very special visitor from down under - Leonie Darling from Australia. Leonie is the breeder of Casper (Dlarah Ghostbuster) and Piitu (Dlarah Beep Beep), only Australian Swedish Vallhunds in Nordic. Leonie stayed with us for a week and we had so much fun and met many wonderful dogs (and people) during that time. Leonie also judged in Pieksämäki show where was a very good entry of Swedish Vallhunds, and in bordercollie & kelpie speciality.

We are all hoping that Leonie is able to come to WDS 2014 in Finland so we can meet again! :))

Some photos that were taken during Leonie's visit to Finland..

Konnunkodon Igor Isbjörn 6 months

Konnunkodon Ingvar Isbrytare 6 months

Konnunkodon Ingvar Isbrytare 6 months

Konnunkodon Ingvar Isbrytare & Maiskis Leomer (sire Dlarah Ghostbuster)

Konnunkodon Ingvar Isbrytare & Maiskis Leomer (sire Dlarah Ghostbuster)

Konnunkodon Ingvar Isbrytare & Maiskis Leomer (sire Dlarah Ghostbuster)

Maiskis Leomer (sire Dlarah Ghostbuster)

Dlarah Ghosbuster almost 10 years

Dlarah Ghosbuster almost 10 years

Leonie & Casper

Leonie & Piitu

Sonja 9 years

Sonja's daughter Tuittu (Konnunkodon Hilda Piukkapaula) 1 year

June 5, 2011


It has been a while since I updated recent news in this blog. Let's start with show news..

Konnunkodon Hanna Kullanväärtti (Etta) and her brother Konnunkodon Hugo Boffin (Patrik) participated in their first show on their mother's 9th birthday on May 14th. Patrik was 2nd best male and he won RESCAC. Etta won all other bitches and he was rewarded with her first CAC and BOS.

A couple of weeks earlier we participated in May Day show. Konnunkodon Fenrir Varg (Rölli) was Best of Breed, his grandmother Konnunkodon Arwen Aamukaste was Best of Breed veteran and Konnunkodon breeder's team was Best of Breed team.

Konnunkodon Breeder's team: Konnunkodon Freyja Vanir, Konnunkodon Hilda Piukkapaula, Konnunkodon Arwen Aamukaste and Konnunkodon Fenrir Varg

Some health checks have also been done.. Konnunkodon Galahad (Grälötens Vandra Vidare - Konnunkodon Elbereth) was X-rayed from tail to ears. His hips were graded as B/B, elbows 0/1, knees 0/0 and his spine is normal and healthy. Konnunkodon Cerridwen who turns 8 years in July, was in eye check. A year ago she was all ok but now vet saw some retinopathy in her other eye. Other eye was ok. We are going to check her again soon to make sure what kind of changes are lurking in her eyes.

Then puppy news.. unfortunately Konnunkodon Elbereth is not in whelp. We are making another attempt from her next season. We are also still waiting for Konnunkodon Fulla Asynja's season to start.

Our last litter turned 6 months and they are starting to look like adult dogs now. Bites are ok, testicles are there and puppies look very nice and promising. White puppy Igor has stayed pure white but he has some cream coloured guard hairs in his back, tail and ears.

Here are some photos from last month:

Konnunkodon Ingvar Isbrytare & Konnunkodon Idunn Isblomma 5 months

Konnunkodon Idunn Isblomma 5 months

Family gathering: Konnunkodon Freki Varg, grandmother Konnunkodon Arwen Aamukaste, mother Konnunkodon Cymoril and sister Konnunkodon Frigga Asynja.

Konnunkodon Ingeborg Iskristall 5 months

Konnunkodon Ingeborg Iskristall 5 months

Konnunkodon Ingjald Isflak 5 months

Konnunkodon Ingvar Isbrytare 5 months

Son of our import Dlarah Ghostbuster: Maiskis Leomer 2years

Puppies of our import Dlarah Ghostbuster: Maiskis Leomer and Maiskis Limonia, 2years

Daughter of our import Dlarah Ghostbuster: Maiskis Limonia 2years

Konnunkodon Ingvar Isbrytare 5 months (photo Jasmin Rauha)

Konnunkodon Ingo Isberg 6 months (photo Susanna Turpeinen)
Konnunkodon Ingo Isberg 6 months (photo Susanna Turpeinen)
Konnunkodon Hanna Kullanväärtti, Konnunkodon Ingo Isberg, Konnunkodon Elendil (photo Susanna Turpeinen)
Konnunkodon Idunn Isblomma 4 months